Yes, Nulon Xtreme Performance Grease with PTFE (L80) is suitable for use in CV joints. It is recommended to remove all old grease from the joint before packing with Nulon L80.
No, Nulon Smooth Shift Manual Gearbox and Diff Treatment (G70) does not replace the LSD additives that are found in dedicated LSD oils. Nulon G70 can be added to both conventional and LSD differentials to enhance lubricant performance and provide maximum anti-wear protection.
Nulon gives power steering fluid recommendations on their on-line Lube Guide. Visit Nulon also produces power steering additives with stop leak and anti-wear properties.
SUPER DOT4 has a higher boiling point than DOT3 brake fluid and is used in many modern vehicles. Use the Nulon Lube Guide to select the correct fluid for your car.
Brake fluid is designed to absorb and retain moisture. Moisture can enter a brake caliper when driving on a wet road and it is important that this moisture does not pool and cause rust etc. Brake fluid holds this moisture in suspension so it can be removed by brake bleeding with new fluid. Follow your vehicle manufatcurers guidelines on brake fluid replacement inetrvals.