Pro-Strength Upper Engine Cleaner (UEC150)

Nulon Pro-Strength Upper Engine Cleaner helps restore engine performance, by efficiently removing carbon deposits, gums and varnish from air intake systems and combustion chambers without the need to dismantle the engine.

Pack sizes

Pro-Strength Upper Engine Cleaner UEC150 Rear
Shake the can before use, warm up the engine to normal operating temperature and for best results follow through each of the following steps:
  1. Throttle plate cleaning: Turn off engine and disconnect air intake duct from throttle body. Spray sparingly onto the throttle plate, wipe throttle body gently to remove excess liquid. Reconnect the air intake duct to the throttle body.
  2. Inlet manifold and intake valve cleaning: Disconnect a vacuum hose from the inlet manifold and start the engine. With the engine running at fast idle spray approximately half of the can through the vacuum line using the spray tube supplied.  Then turn OFF the engine and leave to soak for 5 minutes.
  3. If spark plugs are difficult to remove proceed to Step 4:
    Piston crown cleaning: While the engine is still turned off, remove all spark plugs. Spray a 2 second burst into each spark plug hole. Leave the engine to stand for 5 minutes. NOTE: Before reinstalling the spark plugs, cover up the spark plug holes with clean unused paper or cloth and crank the engine several times. Reinstall spark plugs. 
  4. Final cleaning: Start the engine and disconnect a vacuum hose from the inlet manifold before spraying the rest of the can into the vacuum line while revving the engine. Reinstall the vacuum line and keep the engine running at fast idle until all the remaining cleaner is purged from the exhaust system. 

This treatment is recommended for every scheduled service. 

FIRST AID: If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. In Australia phone 131 126, in New Zealand phone 0800 764 766, or contact a doctor immediately. If swallowed do not induce vomiting.  Avoid giving milk or alcohol. Use only as directed, intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal.

CAUTION: Do not spray on  paint as damage may occur. Do not puncture or incinerate can or store above 50°C. Do not place can in direct sunlight or near heat or open flame. Use product with adequate ventilation.

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