Pro-Strength Extreme Oil Flush (PXOF)

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Nulon Pro-Strength Extreme Oil Flush is a workshop grade cleaning additive, ideal for vehicles with contamination issues or those that have gone past their oil change interval. Its highly active formula provides extreme cleaning power to remove sludge and other harmful contaminants, yet the solvent free formula will not harm your engine or vital components.

  • Highly active detergents remove contaminant deposits from all engine surfaces
  • Safe to drive with Extreme Oil Flush in your engine
  • Suitable for all engines - Petrol, Diesel and LPG
  • Quickly and effectively dissolves varnish and sludge
  • Prevents contamination of fresh oil by removing residues left behind in a regular oil change 
  • Frees sticking internal engine components by dissolving deposits 
  • Quietens noisy hydraulic valve lifters by removing deposits
  • Suitable with all mineral, synthetic, monograde and multigrade oils and suitable for regular and low SAPS applications.
  • Safe to use for every oil change

PXOF secondary setup


Pack sizes

Pro-Strength Extreme Oil Flush PXOF Pro-Strength Extreme Oil Flush PXOF Rear

Bring your car back to life.

When issues arise, Nulon Fix & Restore engine and fuel treatments assist in returning your vehicle to normal operation. Whether it's addressing rough idling, diesel fuel issues, engine leaks, sludge build-up, or gasket failures, these products restore smooth operation by cleaning critical engine and exhaust components and resolving the root cause of common performance problems. Get back on the road with confidence, with Nulon’s premium range of engine and fuel treatments.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Add one full bottle to the old engine oil prior to changing. Start the engine and run at idle or drive for a minimum of 15 minutes. Stop the engine and drain oil whilst warm (avoid scalding). Install new oil filter and new oil. One bottle treats up to 8 litres of sump capacity. Use at each oil change. 

TREATMENT RATE: 500ml treats up to 8 Litres of engine oil.

FIRST AID INSTRUCTIONS: For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre (Phone e.g. Australia 131 126; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor (at once)

CAUTION: Do not reuse container for any other purpose.

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