Worn Engine Repair (E10)

Fix Restore icon

Nulon Worn Engine Repair with PTFE reduces oil consumption, helps restore cylinder compression and promotes a quieter smoother engine. The protective shield created by PTFE extends the life of worn petrol, diesel turbo and LPG engines. Use Worn Engine Repair with every oil change to enhance the protection oil alone provides.

NOTE: Worn Engine Repair can be used with any type of engine oil.

  • Reduces engine wear
  • Extends engine life
  • Reduces valve lifter noise
  • Reduces oil consumption
  • Will not affect oil viscosity
  • Helps restore cylinder compression
  • Promotes a quieter, smoother engine
  • Compatible with mineral & synthetic petrol & diesel oils

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Pack sizes

Worn Engine Repair E10

Bring your car back to life.

When issues arise, Nulon Fix & Restore engine and fuel treatments assist in returning your vehicle to normal operation. Whether it's addressing rough idling, diesel fuel issues, engine leaks, sludge build-up, or gasket failures, these products restore smooth operation by cleaning critical engine and exhaust components and resolving the root cause of common performance problems. Get back on the road with confidence, with Nulon’s premium range of engine and fuel treatments.

1 bottle treats up to 6 litres of oil. Shake bottle and add contents to engine oil. Idle engine for at least 1 minute. Use with every oil change.

Application rates

Car & truck engines - 1 bottle per 6 litres of engine oil

4 stroke motorcycles - 50 ml per litre of oil (safe with wet clutches)

NOTE: For diesel engines, use a Nulon diesel engine treatment.

For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre (Phone e.g. Australia 131 126; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor (at once).

Typical Properties

Tests ASTM Nulon E10
Colour Visual Green
Flash point, COC, °C D92 198
Foam characteristics D892 Nil foam
Viscosity @ 40 °C, cSt D445 58.71
Viscosity @ 100 °C, cSt D445 8.390
Viscosity index D2270 114
Density, Kg/L D1298 0.9205
Pour point , °C D97 -15
Melting point of PTFE, °C D1457 >325

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