Engine Anti-Wear Treatment (E20)

Everyday Maintenance icon

Nulon Engine Anti-Wear Treatment protects engines against cold-start wear and during everyday stop-start driving. Even in the most severe conditions; towing, carrying loads and in competition. Nulon Engine Anti-Wear Treatment with P.T.F.E. is suitable for all modern, hi-tech and performance engines, including multi-valve, turbo-charged and race engines. May be used with any type of engine oil, including synthetic. Safe for use in all petrol and LPG engines.

NOTE: Can be used in a new car engine after the first oil change and will not void new car warranty.


  • Reduces friction and wear
  • Provides cold-start protection
  • Extends new engine life
  • Reduces maintenance cost
  • Will not affect oil viscosity
  • Increases engine performance & economy
  • Promotes a quieter, smoother engine
  • Protects turbo-charger bearings
  • Compatible with all engine oils

E20 secondary setup


Pack sizes

Engine Anti-Wear Treatment E20 Engine Anti-Wear Treatment E20_rear

Everyday Maintenance
Drive with confidence. every day.

Routine car care and maintenance are key to a long-lasting, reliable vehicle. Nulon's Everyday Maintenance engine and fuel treatments ensure your engine stays clean and efficient for longer, reducing wear and tear and optimising fuel economy. When used as part of a regular service routine, Nulon Everyday Maintenance engine and fuel treatments prevent the build-up of harmful contaminants and reduce friction and engine wear to keep your vehicle running smoother, quieter and more efficiently for longer.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: 1 bottle treats up to 6 litres of oil. Shake bottle and add contents to engine oil. Idle engine for at least 1 minute. Use with every oil change.


Car & truck engines - 1 bottle per 6 litres of engine oil

4 stroke motorcycles - 50 ml per litre of oil (safe with wet clutches)

NOTE: For diesel engines, use either Nulon Diesel Engine Treatment (HP) or Passenger Car Diesel Engine Treatment (DET)

For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre (Phone e.g. Australia 131126; New Zealand 0800 764 766)or a doctor (at once).

Typical Properties

Tests ASTM Nulon E20
Colour Visual Blue
Foam characteristics D892 Nil foam
Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt D445 56.87
Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt D445 7.740
Viscosity index D2270 100
Density Kg/L D1298 0.9044
Pour point, °C D97 -15
Melting point of PTFE,°C D1457 >325

Note: For diesel engines use one of Nulon's Diesel Engine Treatment.  

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